The Only Tips You Need to Build Your Network Marketing Team The Right Way

If you have ever spent time in network marketing, you may have run into difficulty while building and managing your network. Many a time your network is in a shambles. One thing leads to another, and you find yourself teetering between fixing the team and scrapping it altogether. Sometimes it’s remarkably hard to run a business and overcome the challenges involved. With some detailed research into the workings of network marketing, you will learn better means of scaling your business. In network marketing, it’s worth noting that it is one thing to build a network, but a whole different ballgame to nurture, manage and grow your network marketing team. In this blog, you will find some essential tips to grow your network.  

Let your leadership govern the pace of the team  

As a leader, you should always be in control of your team, be it identifying the right opportunities

or calling shots. Usually, a team has a way of coming into its own when the leader is proactive and take actions on their own. The success rate of most network marketing teams rightly demonstrates that they grow exponentially when their leaders drive marketing activities from the front. How well structured is your recruiting process? Irrespective of the size of your team or nature of the business, you must raise the speed of recruitment process. Try to introduce your product/services to two or three people on a daily basis. Now if you really want to grow your team, you should step up the game and invite 10-20 people to join your business. When you lead the way, things will start reflecting positively on your team. So, improving the recruitment process will contribute to the growth of your networking team.   

Respecting dreams and aspiration of your team members 

So, you have worked on the recruitment pace which has led to growth in the number of people joining your business. With an ever-expanding network identifying the true leaders becomes all the more difficult. So how do you find leaders in whose hands you can entrust the marketing responsibilities? Well, you can always start by asking yourself this simple question:

How motivated are your team members? Arguably the best way to know if a person is cut out for your team is by learning about their sense of direction in life. Are they sufficiently motivated to go all the way and achieve their dreams? 

“Discover people with drive and potential to become future leaders”

Of course, getting millions to promote your products and services will always give you the bragging rights, but if you want to build a motivated team, you should recruit people with a real drive to succeed in life. 

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Spending more productive time with your team 

In their desperation to get the network marketing team up and running, most marketers forget to spend time with the team. When you are starting to build your network marketing team, it is absolutely vital that you spend lots of productive time with your team. Whether you are making business presentations or home meetings, you should continue to share knowledge within your team and inspire each other. After all, your network marketing is only as good as your weakest link. Therefore, you should make a point of understanding the challenges of team members and filling up the information gaps that may arise in the course of building the team. Any decisions, albeit small, taken during the collaboration with the team will certainly strengthen your network marketing initiatives in the long run.  

Don’t let talented members slip through your fingers

Every new member that signs up for your network marketing is a new opportunity to build your network. You are essentially looking at a person capable of taking your business to new heights. You should use the first meeting to not only introduce your products but learn about their potential to take the business forward. You should give them a clear-cut picture of your network model. The last thing you want to do is lose out on the chance of identifying future leaders for your network marketing. It’s the duty of true leaders to be far-sighted and take measures that could contribute to the growth of the network. 

Is too much training bad for your team?

It’s important not to be bogged down by the training sessions you provide for your team. Mind you, despite all the evidence to the contrary, most network marketers continue to fall into the trap of spending their time on training when they could invest it elsewhere to grow the business. Marketers still labour under the delusion that spending longer training sessions on their teams would, in turn, help them multiply income. Depending on the nature of network marketing strategy, it’s advisable that you cut down on the time you spend training your team. Limit your training time to a weekly home meeting, call conference or live event. Also, remember, there’s only so much training can do to your team. After all, it’s not the training that grows your network marketing, rather it’s the act of inviting people to your business that makes all the difference.  

Build a strong sense of unity within your team  

It’s easy to get disheartened by the slow growth of your marketing team. The team is certainly making progress but you still want to see it grow faster. The first step to making your team grow rapidly is to create a unified network that promotes each other. The leadership should create an environment conducive for healthy collaboration between members from all walks of life. Even small gestures like arranging a meeting with leaders can go a long way in making all leaders feel part of the network family. When the leaders of your team are bound by shared passions and goals, it will leave positive effects on your network marketing team. At the end of the day, it’s always the small steps taken in the right direction that makes all the difference.  


Learn from real-life Networking Marketing experts 

In over a decade, Masa and Miguel have collaborated with various network marketing companies. Drawing on their vision and determination, the couple has scaled their business to a whopping seven figures. Noticeably before making forays into network marketing in 2005, Marsha worked as a medical researcher and Miguel a trained commercial who felt there was something missing in his professional life and aspired to pursue something more meaningful. The couple attributes their discovery of network marketing to a chance meeting with a 17-year-old girl. Today the couple resides in Australia and travel all over the world mentoring leaders, building networks and supporting businesses. 

The Only Tip You’ll Ever Need To Build Your MLM Business Using Social Media


Social media has changed our lives and brought both opportunities and risks for building a business, especially for network marketing professionals. If you use social media correctly and you can grow a global MLM business from your living room. But if you use it the wrong way and you’ll end up spamming everyone you know and become “that guy” (or girl) and most likely give up and blame the industry for your lack of success.

So, what do we mean but using it right or wrong? Let’s start with how NOT to use social media, as this is one of the biggest issues the industry has at the moment.

Using social media in the wrong way gives the whole industry a bad reputation. This is often due to people starting their businesses and posting everything all over their friends’ Facebook feeds and inviting everyone they know to take a look at the “amazing opportunity” they have without ever considering who they are talking to and how it might be good for them. This happens due to lack of understanding how to use social media – and maybe because bad behaviours are being taught from uplines. Marry that with the confidence of hiding behind a computer screen, and you get disaster!

Let’s take this offline and see how different it would be…

You’ve just started a new business and you’re super excited about it. Would you go knocking on the doors of ALL (and I mean ALL) of your friends, family and associates” doors to invite them to look at it? No, you wouldn’t. How about an evening out down the pub, you recognise a few faces in there, but you don’t know them really, would you go straight over and invite them to take a look at the business opportunity?
No, once again, this is not what you would do. Why? Because it wouldn’t work!

Let’s take a look at an effective approach to both of these situations…

You’re excited about your new business and the opportunity that comes with it so you tell your close friends and talk about how great it could be for you. With your close friends or family, your excitement for the opportunity alone might be enough to get them to ask to take a look at it. For other friends and family who you don’t see as often and aren’t ask close to, you might wait until you see them at the next family event and they ask how things are before they even find out about your new business and even then, you wouldn’t jump straight in and ask them to take a look, you’d talk about what it’s done for you and your family and ask them questions about themselves which could allow the conversation to naturally lead to you asking them to take a look at the opportunity. However, about with your “friends” down the pub? How could that work?

Well, firstly, now that you’re a network marketing professional, you’re on the lookout for people to get to know and build relationships with so next time you’re down the pub you start to put a name to the faces you know and you say hello, and over time, to start to build a real relationship with this person. Then, when the time is right (either they ask you about your business or they show a sign that it could be good for them – i.e. say things are a bit tight and they could do with earning some extra cash), you simply invite them to take a look. No pressure, no formalities.

So, how does this apply to online and, in particular, social media? Well, it’s all about investing in a person and building a relationship first so don’t jump straight in with the business opportunity. In fact, hold off sharing it and let them ask you to take a look. Start by asking them questions about themselves and getting to know them; choose to engage with people of a similar mindset to you and other successful MLM leaders then comment or message them and tell them what you like about their profile and why you want to get to know them (lead the business out of it). Then, when the time is right the business will naturally come up; either from them asking or through something they say which leads to you saying you might have something that could help them.

If you follow the above tip for prospecting on social media, you’ll soon see huge success! But remember, just because you’ve taken the right approach, it doesn’t mean you’ll only get Yes’s. Network marketing is a numbers game and you will always get a lot more No’s than Yes’s but don’t let that stop you from investing in the relationships and taking the right approach to building a long-term MLM business.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article and are ready to start using social media the right way. Let us know how you get on ?


How to build a successful MLM business in 8 simple steps


Building a business of any kind is tough, and a lot can be learnt through experience, but what if you could learn from others who have ‘been there and done it’? Here, we take our learnings from several successful network marketers and summarise them into 8 simple tips to building a successful MLM business.


When most people see a network marketing business opportunity for the first time, it’s the first time they have been introduced to the MLM industry. With the MLM industry offering significant income potential and the offer of freedom, it’s easy for people to focus on those and believe that the company first exposing them to the industry is the right company for them. It’s rare for a person to go and research other companies in the industry to find the one that offers the products or services it most believes it, but this research will pay off as you will find it much easier sharing products/services and a business opportunity that you are genuinely passionate about.


The key is in the name – network ‘marketing’. Marketing is a key part of growing any business, and in particular, an MLM business, and marketing is all about delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time. To achieve this, you must first identify who you are trying to target and understand their behaviours and interests. This means, don’t try to offer everything to everyone, that approach won’t work.


This is an obvious one, but it’s extremely common for business owners to focus on either their product/services or the business opportunity and forget about the other. But, to grow large successful MLM business, you need to focus on both, and that means talking about them EVERY DAY!


Don’t be one of the reasons the industry gets a bad name; be sincere and genuine in everything you do; your approach, the information you give and your personal experiences and results. False claims or exaggerations of any kind will not help you, your business or the industry.


Bombarding your contacts will only ruin your chances of them joining the business or buying your products/services. Focus on sharing your successes as well as case studies of your products/services and let your contacts ask you about questions. Create curiosity, and they will ask you to tell them more; far more effective than you forcing it upon them.


Every successful business started with goals, and MLM businesses aren’t any different! Having goals enables you to track progress and hold yourself accountable so make sure you set clear achievable goals for all of your activity; events, prospecting, team trainings, etc…


We understand you’re trying to sell your products and services, but remember to sell them as a solution to a problem. This approach is super affected and, it keeps your conversations with your contacts super relevant. Listening to your contacts’ problems and offering them solutions will make the sales process seem effortless.


The whole MLM industry relies on duplicatable methods so make sure the tactics, tools and processes you use in your business are easily duplicatable so you can train them down as you grow your team.

Hopefully, you’ve found these 8 tips for building a successful network marketing business useful. Please feel free to share them with your friends.


How to master productivity whilst working from home!


So as many people will experience when working from home, you can easily lose motivation and concentration. It just happens! With no boss standing over you from 9-5pm, you can very quickly find out that you simply don’t need to work those long hours anymore. If you can be productive and get all the work done in three hours, then so be it! So, here are our five tips for staying as productive as possible and crushing your workday into less time!


A lot of people recommend walking for about 10 minutes during this instance, but we recommend going for about 20-30. This allows you to leave your negative thoughts behind, get the endorphins running and come back to your tasks and truly crush it!


This one is from the author of the four-hour workweek, Tim Ferris. Not everyone is most productive during those 9-5 hours, that’s just the norm that’s been dictated to the workforce. You might find that you can really focus and smash out some work around 8-11 in the evening, maybe its 6-9 in the morning; whatever it is, find what makes you feel most comfortable and go with it. If it doesn’t work, simply go back to your original hours.


You’ve heard the saying, your body is a machine, and it can’t run on junk food. Make sure that you’re staying hydrated and you’re not consuming too many sugary foods that give you a sugar rush and cause you to lose concentration.


There is absolutely no doubt that you are less effective when you are tired, you just can’t seem to concentrate on any task! Make sure that you’re getting about 7 – 8 hours as recommended by doctors worldwide.


Just like we mentioned earlier when we suggested taking a long walk, workout for a minimum of three sessions per week, whether that’s at home or at the gym. If you can’t lift weights then simply hop on a running machine or a bike; or maybe just got for a walk, it’s all good for you! This, along with the increased sleep and heather diet, will be sure to make sure that your working from home productivity increases!

We hope you give these tips a go – you really will notice a difference. Be sure to let us know how you get on.


How to prospect your way to becoming an MLM Top Earner


There’s no doubt that to have a very successful Network Marketing business you must recruit and recruit well! It’s the easiest way to scale your business and start bringing in the profits that you’ve dreamed of. However, what’s the best way to bring in new prospects? Well keep reading, and you’ll find out.

In Network Marketing, there’s no set criteria for who will become an MLM Top Earner; there’s no degree or qualification that gives you a guarantee. Success comes down to the attitude and work ethic of you and your team members. You want team members are coachable and willing to put in the hard work.

So how do you reach these prospects? There are many different ways. One is to start advertising, this can be in newspapers, magazines, social media, Google Ads, etc… But, for us, we recommend that you use social media as its cost-effective, and has a higher global reach. However, a lot of the MLM Top Earners suggest putting classified ad’s in business magazines, as it’s proved successful for them, so perhaps that’s definitely worth trying too.

Another option is to contact everyone you know and talk them through the business model and what they could potentially be doing to bring in a primary/side income. Soon you could be spending even more time with your loved ones as you start building businesses together and supporting each other, but please be wary that mixing family and business can potentially be a recipe for ultimate happiness, just ask many of the successful MLM couples or families.

If you decide to try ads, the best things to include in your ads will be one-liners that draw in potential prospects attention, such as “Become your own boss” or “Travel the world on your terms”. Anything that makes the viewer interested is great because it increases the chances of them reaching out to you. You should also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in every ad, such as “Call this number to discuss further” or “visit this site for more details”, this gives them clear instructions and makes the next steps a lot clearer.

Another strategy is one we’ve covered in previous blog posts, which is to create social media accounts, and a blog, and start posting content about what you do and how you can help people. Eventually, people will begin to notice and reach out to you. This is a great way to get organic leads that aren’t costing you money like ads will. Therefore, this is a strategy that everybody should be employing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, If you have any comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below.


You Can Turn Your Dreams into a Reality


One of the hottest topics at the moment is the idea of being able to work from anywhere. Many people see this as just quite simply, a fantasy, and something that they could never actually achieve. This is in fact, incorrect. Nowadays, there are lots of career choices that no longer require a physical office, just merely a laptop and an Internet connection. This shift in working conditions can mainly be attributed to the change from employees to freelancers. Therefore, individuals are taking charge of who they want to work for and how they manage their work.

An example of this type of lifestyle is our team here at Pamtree, recently Pamtree has been on tour to Singapore, Bali and Bulgaria! Now as you’re probably thinking there are a lot of different jobs that allow you to work from your laptop, so that’s nothing too special, which we would agree with to a certain extent. However, Pamtree takes this one step further as you can generally complete all your necessary tasks from your mobile. This makes the working while travelling lifestyle even easier. No longer do you need to carry your heavy laptop around to enable yourself to work effectively; being cloud-based also means your business is backed up so really can work from anywhere, on any device.

The thing that really excites me about the Pamtree app is that you can work offline, and once you get Internet connection it updates automatically. This saves you from creating countless notes on your phone and then having to enter them manually once you regain Internet connection. Quite simply, it gave a new meaning to the term “Flexible working”.

You may now be asking, is this actually a reality? The answer is yes, Network marketing is a business model that offers incredible flexibility. Partner that with Pamtree and that’s a match made in heaven, you could spend your days travelling Asia, checking in on your business from a beach in Thailand. Not your thing? You could check some messages and orders from the top of a mountain in New Zealand (given you have Wifi or 4G!).

Please let us know your thoughts and opinions on the topic, in the comments section below.


Growth hacking: our top tips for massive expansion!


When it comes to Network Marketing, many factors can influence you and your team’s success. From our experience in the industry, these top tips will help take your MLM business to the next level! Grab your notepad and pen and take note!

First, once you or your team members get a new recruit, put them through training straight away. Try and keep your training the same for everyone, as this will show what elements work and what’s missing or needs to be improved. By training a new recruit straight away, they’ll have a better understanding of the industry and how to approach it, plus it will require commitment on their part so that hours of your valuable assistance are not misdirected.

Next, once you’ve put them through training, you must teach them how to teach! This is really important. In fact, it’s the key to building a successful network marketing business! If you don’t do this, you’ll have your teams’ new recruits asking you questions 24/7, which is very time-consuming and will hold you back when you’re trying to expand. Teach new recruits how to teach their team members after they complete their training and this will save you countless hours and really help your business expand!

With your team members equipped to be trainers, next get yourself into the position where your whole business can function without you. I know, big shock! This means you must give as much autonomy to all your team leaders and team members as possible. Maybe put in place a hierarchical structure so that everyone can see who to go to with their questions, depending on importance. This is a huge growth hacking secret, allowing you to concentrate on growing the business and expanding, rather than handling low-level queries that won’t bring in new business.

Finally, and being blunt, give your valuable time only to those team members who actually follow through on their ideas, not to individuals who have a new idea every day but never make it happen. You could prepare a few scripts for new recruits to try out so that you can then help the team members who actually come back to you with results, or at least those who can demonstrate they’ve tried. Even if the results are negative it shows that they’re motivated and you can always simply change the script and alter the approach slightly to give it a better chance of working. You must let new recruits know that it’s about trial and error: if something’s not working try changing it slightly. Still not working? Then contact someone with experience who handles these types of queries (referring back to the hierarchical ladder).

Try out these tips with your team and let us know how they work out! Also, please comment below on anything you think we’ve left out!


Exactly What MLM Pro’s Say in their First Prospecting Messages


When it comes to prospecting, there are things best to say and things avoid. In this article, we’re focusing on the things you need to cover if you want your prospecting messages to get results.

A variety of approaches work, though these depend on the type of person you are prospecting and what they will engage with. You know your prospects best, so you can decide what works best for them, but here are some of the proven approaches.


The direct approach is to ask your prospect directly if they would like to take a look at the opportunity, for whatever reason you think could be of interest to them – increased income, the opportunity to travel, having more time with the family, and so on…

Here are some of the direct questions MLM pro’s use in their prospecting messages:

“I’m not sure whether this will be for you or not, but would you be open to exploring additional income opportunities?”

“Have you ever considered a part-time income to supplement your job?”

“Would you consider a second income stream, if I was to share an opportunity with you?”

“Would you be interested in finding out how you could start a part-time, home-based business and work toward replacing your full-time income?”

“I recently started a new business that’s currently expanding in your area. Would you be interested in taking a look at the opportunity if I was to share it with you?”


The indirect approach is to ask your prospect whether they know someone who might be interested in extra income, an improved work/life balance, more family time, etc, with a view to them then suggesting themselves. The indirect approach can be a very effective method, as they won’t feel like they are being sold to as you’re not directly approaching them. Instead, they may see the opportunity for themselves and put their name in the hat for consideration.

Some example of prospect messages for an indirect approach are:

“I’m sure you’re happy with your current job but do you know anyone that might be interested in earning an extra income, working flexibility around their current commitments?”

“I know you enjoy your work but do you know anyone that might be interested in a new career, something with flexibility so they can work around their lives?”

“I’m sure you’re happy with your career but do you know anyone who would benefit from being their own boss and running their own business?”

“I know you’re happy with your current job but do you know anyone who’s looking for a new money-making opportunity?”

Using the questions above will hopefully help you master prospecting in your MLM business. Remember, don’t be afraid to test different messages to see what works best with your prospects. 

Good luck with your prospecting! Feel free to share your feedback with us below. 


3 Top Tips for Creating Duplication in your Network Marketing Business


Every network marketing professional understands that success in the industry lies in the power of duplication. After all, it’s duplication that enables you to build a large business that doesn’t then need you to do all the work yourself.

Here are our top tips for establishing duplication in your network marketing business:


If you’re looking to train down duplicatable processes, you must be sure to follow them yourself. Your team will be looking at you for inspiration – if you’re sponsoring new team members and retailing lots of products, they’ll want to know how; they’ll want to learn from you and follow what you do. Keep the processes simple but effective, then show your team how to follow these, using presentations, videos and templates as train aids.


Setting up your team members effectively will help them hit the ground running and get their desired results faster whilst improving your retention rates. This is also vital if you want to establish duplicatable processes throughout your business. Spend time with your new team members to ensure they understand and implement the duplicatable processes from the off, then work closely with them to achieve their first successes, whether that’s sponsoring their first team member or selling their first product. Show them how it’s done and how they can teach others to do it, and help them use the tools available to do so.


Tapping into the power of technology, you can not only save yourself time but you can put in place controls to ensure your team is creating duplication as it should be.

Take our platform, Pamtree, as an example. Pamtree allows network marketers like yourself to use one system to manage your contacts, tasks, activities, team messages and notes in one place, using a single platform that works on a website as well as mobile apps for both iPhone and Android phones – and best of all, it’s free, so cost will not be a barrier to ensure all of your team are using the same system, making it a truly duplicatable platform.

If all your team members are using a single system then processes can be duplicated and every one of your team members will benefit from having their contact list, prospecting sheets, notes and task lists with them, on the go, allowing them to work their businesses easily in the small pockets of time throughout their day.

Follow these 3 Top Tips and you’ll soon see a big difference in your business. If you have any other tips for successful duplication, we’d love to hear them. Please feel free to share them below.


Network Marketers: How to Handle Objections


When most network marketers start out with their business, the idea of having to deal with objections can be quite scary. However, they can, in fact, be a positive thing that will help you grow your business! Each time you receive an objection, view it as a request to gain knowledge of the industry that will allow you to help the prospect understand the opportunity. If you view objections like this, you’ll soon realise that the prospects with the most objections are those that convert:  they will have made an informed decision once they decide to start their network marketing business.

The key with objections is to ensure that you listen and fully understand what your prospect is asking. Then respond to it in an effective way, such as the highly recommended “feel, felt, found” method.

Here are some examples of objections and how you could deal with them – but remember, work with your upline and other successful business owners in your company as they’ve been there, done it and will be able to offer invaluable advice and support.


“I don’t have time”


“How much would you need to earn in order to find time to invest in a business?”


“What if you could invest more time in the short term to gain more freedom over your time in the long-term?”

Followed up by… 

“If I was to show you how you could learn XX/gain more freedom] by running your own business, would you be interested in taking a look?”

Another response could be…

“I know how you FEEL. I FELT the same but then I FOUND that by working smarter with my time I could find XX number of hours to invest in my business and I’m glad I did as I now have [more money/more freedom/more time]”


“I don’t have the money”


“What if I could show you a way to generate the money for your starter pack, would you be interested in hearing that?”

If they’re interested, you can work out a plan for them which shows how many products/services they need to pre-sell in order to cover the cost of their starter kit. 

Another possible response would be:

“Do you see that changing in the future? I thought you’d be interested in this as it’s an opportunity to make more money – would you like to earn more money?”


“I don’t know how to sell.”


“When you go to a nice restaurant or watch a good film, do you recommend them to the people you know?’

If the reply is “yes” you can follow up with:

“Network marketing is no different. You’re simply recommending products/services that you use and enjoy by sharing what you like and the benefits of them – the only difference is you’re getting paid for doing so. How does that sound?”


“Is this a scam?”


“Multi-Level marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry and support by lots of respected businessmen including Richard Branson – see here: Do you now see how this is a credible industry? If yes… would you like to know more?”


“I’ll have to think about it.”


“What do you need to know to see if this is right for you?”

Or you could say,

“Are there any other questions you have that I can help with?”


“I don’t know anyone.”


“I think you’ll be surprised!  What if I were to offer to sit with you and write a list of the people you know, would you be up for that? I’ll also show you how you can grow that list on a daily basis, really easily.”


“I don’t want to bug my friends and family”


“Don’t worry, we actively discourage bugging anybody as that’s not how you build a successful business doing what we do. If I could show you a way of sharing the business opportunity [and/or products/services] without bugging anybody, would you like to hear more?”

Hopefully, you’ve found these suggestions useful and you’ll feel more confident handling objections moving forwards. As you’ve seen, a common theme amongst responses is asking questions; find out what they want to know and then provide responses that offer them reassurance.

Are there any other objections you come up against regularly? If so, what are they and how do you handle them? Please share below.