How to take your MLM business Global


One of the most incredible opportunities that you get with network marketing is the opportunity to create a global business straight away, without all the usual costs and challenges that come with it.
Being able to build a business globally is one thing, but how do you prospect internationally? Don’t worry; it’s not as daunting as it seems. Although, you must know it will be tougher and more work than simply building in your local area. Some of the things you’ll need to consider when building an international team are:

  • Time difference – you’ll need to make yourself available to support them and that could be the middle of the night for you, depending on the time difference
  • Language barrier – getting your message across and ensuring you understand each other is one thing, but you’ll also need to make sure the training and prospecting tools are available in their language too.
  • Local support – every new business owner needs support in their country, whether that’s attending local company events or working with other business owners so you’ll need to research the support your company provides in the countries you are targeting so you know your team members will get the support they need to build successful businesses.

So, now you have an idea of the effort involved in building a global team, let’s look at how you can prospecting internationally…

  • Personal contacts – this is probably an obvious one, but your personal contacts are the first place to start. You may be thinking you don’t know anyone abroad, but the chances are you do, you just might not know they now live abroad. People’s lives change for many reasons and we grow older so it’s not uncommon for someone you were friends with at school to end up on the other side of the world as they decided to bring their family up somewhere different. It’s quite easy to find out where people are now with a quick social media check. Or you even try something a bit more interactive and ask the question on social media – for example, post on Facebook something similar to this:

“My friend and I were recently discussing how interesting it must be to live in another country and wondered how long it would take to adapt. Have any of my Facebook friends moved abroad? If so, where and how find you find it?”

Be sure to keep your business out of it, as this stage is all about finding potential prospects who you can start building a relationship with. Only once a relationship is established should you consider inviting them to look at the business opportunity.

  • Join and contribute to online communities in those countries – to make new friends in new countries you’re going to have to socialise, but don’t worry, this can be done online. Join communities where you can meet new people such as Facebook or LinkedIn Groups. You will even find that on Facebook there are lots of groups for specific countries or even cities – try searches for ‘Entrepreneurs COUNTRY’ or ‘Mums COUNTRY’ and you will see there are lots of different types of groups that come up. Have a look through and see which ones you might be able to add value to and build relationships on. Once again, remember, the focus is on building new relationships and not sharing your business opportunity, that comes later.
  • Visit that country – another option is, of course, to visit that country, that could be a holiday or even a temp/perm move there. It all depends on you and what you want from life – if you want to live in another country then why not move there and build it when you’re there? But for many of you that’s probably not the most appealing or viable option so try making friends with locals when you’re on holiday; make the effort to get to know people and start building a relationship then connect with them online and continue investing in the relationship even when you return home. If you do this, a hot tip is to make sure you continue developing your relationship as soon as you return while you’re still at the forefront of their mind.

Now you’ve read these tips, you should be ready to start seriously considering building an international business. If you have any other tips for growing a global MLM business, please share them in the comments below.


If you’re not doing this, your MLM business will fail!


If you’re in multi-level marketing (MLM), you probably know the name Eric Worre. Eric is ‘the motivational MLM coach’ and is frequently sharing stages with some of the world’s most famous and successful celebrities. Well, in one of his videos, he brings up the quote that “It doesn’t matter what works, it only matters what duplicates”. Eric then goes on to explain that you may be the world’s most skilled networker, being able to network with the president, high-level celebrities etc… however, this is completely irrelevant if your MLM team can’t duplicate these results.

Eric then proceeds to say that a large group of individuals doing something simple is greater than one individual doing something sophisticated. It’s like this, one secret services solider may be more well rounded and well trained than the average military member. If there was a one on one altercation you’d probably pick the secret services individual to win. However, if you added one, two, three more normal soldiers, the odds would quickly turn in favour of the military rather than the special services. This shows the combined efforts of a team rather than the above average efforts of an individual. If you’re a great networker but your ability is down to your natural personality and traits you were born with, its probably best to create an educational programme that can consistently create more good networkers, even if they’re not up to your level. It’s best to have your team take your training and have 80% of your ability. Because a team of 10 people having 80% of a top networker’s ability is worth incredible value.

So, how can you achieve these results that can be duplicated?


Creating content that allows each member of your team to learn the skills and develop their knowledge in the areas they need to. Educational content also allows you to scale up quickly, and scaling up requires minimal time/effort.


Invest in a good system for managing elements, or all, of your MLM business. A good MLM app will mean you have everything you need in one place, from wherever you are. Even better, get your team to use the same app and your business will multiple. This will allow your team to see exactly what you do and duplicate it themselves, resulting in higher efficiency, faster scaling & more results.

Eric talks about some of the things that MLM business owner’s want, including Freedom & Sustainability. By using the Pamtree MLM App, your team’s activity is all in one place, meaning you can visibly see what’s happening and stay on top of things, identifying and drop in activity that may impact your business in the long-term. This helps to ensure that your MLM business is as sustainable as possible. By teaching your team what you know, you’re ensuring freedom, as they can go and reach new prospects, growing your team and allowing you to focus on your business.

In short, if your team can’t duplicate what you are doing every day, your MLM business isn’t going to work long-term. Make your processes repeatable & ensure your team have the right training and technology to get the results you want.

Thank you for reading this blog. Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed it. Please make sure to check out our other blog posts – and don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & Twitter.


The Advertising Model MLM Business Owners Are Using To Succeed!


For many entrepreneurs and leading MLM business owners, advertising is a massive part of their day-to-day activities. The forward-thinking network marketers have to check on their current ad’s to make sure the performance is what it should be; they make alternations to keywords and audiences that aren’t performing as expected. It’s very time consuming, however, when you’ve finally tested every segment of your ad (e.g. title, copy, image etc…) and found the perfect recipe, boom! You’ve got digital gold dust! The spend on that ad can be increased and you can sit back and watch it smash your objectives. What a great feeling, months of trial-and-error have now got you to the point of near perfection.

So you’re probably wondering, how can I achieve this? Well, that’s what we’re about to tell you.


Finding the right platform is absolutely key to running a successful ad. There’s no point advertising in a gardening magazine if you’re selling protein powder. Just like there’s no point using high-cost methods such as TV for a product/brand with no loyal audience or high profit margins. You have to choose your platforms wisely. If you’re a business-to-business product or service, try LinkedIn or Google Ads. If you’re business to consumer, try Facebook or Instagram; maybe even Google Ad’s. If you’re selling t-shirts with French bulldogs on, Instagram would be the place for you. If you’re trying to get prospects for your MLM, Google Ads might be the best solution as it will target multiple different websites.


You won’t create the perfect ad on your first attempt. It takes time and hours and hours of testing and analysis data to see what performs best, which keywords are most efficient, what title is the most catching, which image draws attention, what copy sells on an emotional level, which call-to-action springs people into the ‘buy now’ gear. We recommend using a budget of around £5 per day whilst you’re testing different segments of your ad’s. This way you’ll get accurate results without using up all your budget. Remember, once you find the perfect ad, you’ll want all the budget you can use! To help find what’s performing best, we recommend split-testing, otherwise known as A/B testing. Split-testing where you create the same ad, but the only difference is the part you’re testing (e.g. if you’re trying to find out which title grabs peoples attention, you’d have two different titles on the A & B ad’s, but everything else would be identical). This way you can really see what’s more effective. For MLM ad’s, the text and description are equally as important as the image, as you’re not selling a product, but a job to a prospect.


Once you find the perfect ad, after multiple trial and error periods, scale it up! Get all your ad budget behind it and ride it until the wave dies out, then rinse and repeat (repeat the trial and error period again). For MLM, we’d recommend setting up different ad’s for the different departments of your business; to prospect, try LinkedIn and Google Ads. Trying to sell your products? Instagram & Facebook might be a better fit. If you’re looking to run paid ads, it might be worth seeking the help of a specialist Facebook Ads agency, as they’ll know how to take your business to the next level!

The key message to this blog is that you MUST find the right platform for your business objective. MLM can be extremely competitive, give yourself the edge by selecting the right tools to leverage your time and efforts. You could also run ad’s to promote your social media content. This will grow your business & personal brand, and will ultimately lead to a growth in your following. This will allow more people to see your content and eventually people will start reaching out to you.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this blog the please leave a comment below.


The MUST know hacks to social media for MLM Leaders!


Following up from a blog we posted a few weeks ago about how social media can help your MLM business, this blog will be all about how to really maximise your MLM business’ social media’s potential with a few hints and tips.

First of all, with many different social media influencers exploding on social media right now, we’d highly recommend following them so you can see their content and take inspiration from it. A few people to name a Gary V, Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Grant Cardone, Eric Worre & Oprah Winfrey. This is only a very, very small list, but they’re all entrepreneurs/business owners who are putting a large emphasis on growing their online presence and social media followings.

So once you’ve started following these entrepreneurial influencers, you can start looking at their content and deciding what you like and what you don’t like. Start to look for patterns and themes within their content, and look at what posts/themes are getting the most attention. Next, you must come up with a social media strategy, decide what to post on which day and plan your content into themes. This way, your social media followers know what to expect from your posts, which gives them a reason to follow you.

Once you’ve done these two steps, you should start to get ideas as to what to post and the messages you’d like to get across to your target audience. The next thing to do is to start creating content, but here is where our first tip comes to life; social media content gets higher engagement if there’s an image or video, so whenever possible, try and include an image or video. You can create simple graphics using Canva, a free online tool. If you have no time, then you can download images from Shutterstock. If you still have no time, then you can outsource an image/video creation on sites such as Fiverr or Upwork.

We also recommend that you post at least once a day. An easy way to stay organised is to use a tool called Hootsuite. You can connect all your social media accounts to it and then mass upload posts and select the date/time you would like them to be posted live. It allows you to create lots of content and schedule it on a day that you may have more free time; Sunday maybe?

Now we can get into the tips and tricks for fast-tracking your social media growth. The number one thing you need to remember is that engagement is king. The higher the engagement, the better; Facebook and Instagram’s algorithms will recognise this and show your posts/content to more people. Try to get as many likes, comments and shares as possible on every post, and remember, quality over quantity, but still try to get one post out a day. Another thing is that most social media algorithms measure how long a viewer has stayed on someone’s content, so try and find the balance between long and engaging content, without boring the reader of course.

Another social media hack is to post early in the day, between 8am & 9am, as this is when most people are travelling to work. It also means that your post has all day to generate engagement, which could potentially increase its lifespan.

So those are the three tips for today, Quality over quantity (use images and videos), Post every day & post early in the day. Thank you for reading and please leave any feedback in the comments section below.


Our 9 Favourite Prospecting Tips


Prospecting is a key part of any successful network marketing business and there are lots of useful tips on the internet and in books from industry experts. Here are our 9 favourites:


Jeff Keller’s book, “Attitude is Everything”, is great and we couldn’t agree more! In network marketing and entrepreneurship that really is the case, so be aware of people’s attitudes. Actively seek out those with a good, positive attitude who are friendly and personable, as the exciting opportunity you have could be right for them!


This is very simple but is a common mistake: focus on the prospect and getting to know them, and stop talking about you – they don’t care! Focus on them, what they want and find a way to align that with the opportunity you have. Then you’re onto a winner.


This ties in with getting to know the person as you can’t get to know anyone if you’re talking at them. Learn to ask good questions that will give you insight in them and their needs. Make a list of 5 questions that will give you insights into your prospects, the answers to which you’ll need to know to judge whether the opportunity you have is right for them.  Learn the questions and use them with every prospect until it becomes natural.


Don’t forget that there’s no point asking questions if you don’t listen to the answers. You’re only asking questions to understand the person and find opportunities, so make sure you listen well to see the opportunities arising from the responses.


Perhaps it’s a “Lose Weight.  Ask Me How!”  badge like Herbalife suggest or a C9 body cleanse box that Forever Living recommend, but whatever it is carrying or wearing something that will generates curiosity will create talking points as people strike up conversations with you. 


When talking to prospects, appear in demand and in hurry. Don’t go too in-depth into what you do. This maintains the intrigue.

7. USE F.O.R.M.

F.O.R.M stands for family, occupation, recreation and message and these are four “safe” topics to talk to prospects about while warming them up and getting to know them. 


Nail your elevator pitch, a 2 to 3 sentence statement that sums up your proposition. Ensure it’s simple and effective, and leaves them wanting to know more.


Never try to explain your business to people when you first meet them. First, they won’t be interested and second, they probably won’t understand it, so you’ll lose the prospecting opportunity with them. Instead, focus on getting to know them and what they want. Let your business and what you do come at the end of that.

Let us know what’s worked best for you. What are your best prospecting tips for network marketers?


Network Marketers: How to Handle Objections


When most network marketers start out with their business, the idea of having to deal with objections can be quite scary. However, they can, in fact, be a positive thing that will help you grow your business! Each time you receive an objection, view it as a request to gain knowledge of the industry that will allow you to help the prospect understand the opportunity. If you view objections like this, you’ll soon realise that the prospects with the most objections are those that convert:  they will have made an informed decision once they decide to start their network marketing business.

The key with objections is to ensure that you listen and fully understand what your prospect is asking. Then respond to it in an effective way, such as the highly recommended “feel, felt, found” method.

Here are some examples of objections and how you could deal with them – but remember, work with your upline and other successful business owners in your company as they’ve been there, done it and will be able to offer invaluable advice and support.


“I don’t have time”


“How much would you need to earn in order to find time to invest in a business?”


“What if you could invest more time in the short term to gain more freedom over your time in the long-term?”

Followed up by… 

“If I was to show you how you could learn XX/gain more freedom] by running your own business, would you be interested in taking a look?”

Another response could be…

“I know how you FEEL. I FELT the same but then I FOUND that by working smarter with my time I could find XX number of hours to invest in my business and I’m glad I did as I now have [more money/more freedom/more time]”


“I don’t have the money”


“What if I could show you a way to generate the money for your starter pack, would you be interested in hearing that?”

If they’re interested, you can work out a plan for them which shows how many products/services they need to pre-sell in order to cover the cost of their starter kit. 

Another possible response would be:

“Do you see that changing in the future? I thought you’d be interested in this as it’s an opportunity to make more money – would you like to earn more money?”


“I don’t know how to sell.”


“When you go to a nice restaurant or watch a good film, do you recommend them to the people you know?’

If the reply is “yes” you can follow up with:

“Network marketing is no different. You’re simply recommending products/services that you use and enjoy by sharing what you like and the benefits of them – the only difference is you’re getting paid for doing so. How does that sound?”


“Is this a scam?”


“Multi-Level marketing is a multi-billion dollar industry and support by lots of respected businessmen including Richard Branson – see here: Do you now see how this is a credible industry? If yes… would you like to know more?”


“I’ll have to think about it.”


“What do you need to know to see if this is right for you?”

Or you could say,

“Are there any other questions you have that I can help with?”


“I don’t know anyone.”


“I think you’ll be surprised!  What if I were to offer to sit with you and write a list of the people you know, would you be up for that? I’ll also show you how you can grow that list on a daily basis, really easily.”


“I don’t want to bug my friends and family”


“Don’t worry, we actively discourage bugging anybody as that’s not how you build a successful business doing what we do. If I could show you a way of sharing the business opportunity [and/or products/services] without bugging anybody, would you like to hear more?”

Hopefully, you’ve found these suggestions useful and you’ll feel more confident handling objections moving forwards. As you’ve seen, a common theme amongst responses is asking questions; find out what they want to know and then provide responses that offer them reassurance.

Are there any other objections you come up against regularly? If so, what are they and how do you handle them? Please share below.


Closing Made Simple


A lot of effort goes into prospecting, so it’s vital that your efforts pay off and you get the best results. So you’ve introduced yourself, shared your story and presented the business opportunity, but then what? You’ve followed the “proven process” to a tee, but your prospect is still not sure whether it’s the right opportunity for them. What do you next? 

One approach is to dig a little deeper to find out what’s holding them back and understand what will influence their decision. You can do this simply by asking open questions such as “what was the best bit”, “what appealed to you the most” or “out of everything you’ve seen, what did you like the most”, then follow up with “why?”. The answers to these questions will steer the conversation towards a positive response and you will find out what appeals to them the most so you can focus on that. Another good question to help you understand your prospects’ thoughts (so you can create your closing strategy), and one recommended by Network Marketing Pro, Eric Worre,  is the question “On a scale of 1 to 10, what did you think?”. This gives you a good insight into where your prospect is in their head and whether they’re dangling over the edge about to sign up or whether they need more questions answered to help them understand whether it’s for them. Once you know where their thoughts are, you can ask what they’d need to see to get it closer to a 10. Hopefully, it’s something you’re able to help with and they will get all the information they need to make their decision.

As you probably know, a couple of the biggest drivers for starting a business in the network marketing industry are money and time, so finding out how much they would like to earn and how much time they have available are only going to help you close. Remember to do this by asking questions and listening to what they say. Don’t focus on what they could earn or how much time you believe they would need to commit to their business. Understand their expectations and help them with a plan to achieve those. Make sure you’re realistic in the expectation you set – if they’re hoping for unrealistic results, be honest with them. There is no point them registering their business then giving up after a couple of months as they didn’t earn what they were promised. We all know it takes a lot of time, effort and commitment to make it work, so get that across. Then you won’t waste your own precious time working with people who can’t devote the time and effort required to be successful. 

The most successful network marketers close because they listen to their prospects and put a plan in place for them to help them achieve their goals, be it £500 a month or £10,000 a month. Each prospect has their own ambitions and dreams so make sure you’re not trying to sell your own dream to someone who’s looking to fulfil a different one.

Ask questions and listen, then respond with a realistic plan that helps your prospect achieve their goals and you will find that you will close a much higher proportion of prospects. 

Let us know how you get on. If you have any other tips for closing that have worked for you, please share these below!


The 3 Biggest Challenges in Network Marketing Right Now


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All industries must overcome challenges to grow and network marketing is no different. Here are three of the biggest challenges professional network marketers face right now…


This is one of the biggest challenges that network marketers face. Every business owner has a contact list when they start their business, though often this is the stage when the list of untouched contacts is longest. However, many fail to convert. Why is this? Well, in part it’s due to the new business owner’s lack of experience at the outset of their business. There is a rush to tell all their contacts about the exciting new business opportunity, without a real understanding of how to present the opportunity and, more importantly, how NOT to present it. As a result, lots of warm prospects are lost in the process. This is where training and compliant, best practice guidance comes in. How many business owners practice and perfect role-playing with their uplines before they start sharing the opportunity?!


When business owners nail the first prospecting stage and they’re getting positive responses from their contacts, they can often lose focus and can get caught up in the excitement of the “Yes, I’d like to find out more” response. However, this is where business owners often drop the ball by being overly keen in their response, bombarding their prospects with too much information or chasing prospects for responses to the follow up messages they’ve sent. Enthusiasm can come across as desperation and that’s not attractive, which is why waiting until prospects have engaged with the messages is a much better approach. Contacting prospects before they’ve had a chance to look at what’s been sent will not only make them want to avoid you for fear of having to admit this, but also make them wonder why you’re pushing such a “hard sell” of this amazing opportunity. Remember, anything great requires minimal selling. Having said this, don’t forget to track who you have spoken with and ensure that, once they’re engaged with your message, you do follow up in a timely manner.


Success in network marketing is in part down to the power of duplication. However, it’s increasingly difficult to train others in effective processes as business owners are generally time poor, working their business around family and/or career. Entrepreneurs are looking for smarter ways to work, which is great, and the search is on for processes that can be easily replicated and intuitive systems that support them. Simple, effective solutions are built upon well-tried processes that anyone can follow: these are the only ones that will work when it comes to building a large network marketing business. There are many new technology platforms available today that can help make running a network marketing business easier, however, many of these also require an IT degree to be able to master them and these are not the systems best suited to MLM professionals. Social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn, though limited in addressing certain needs, are effective because they’re simple and intuitive. Business owners can, therefore, work out for themselves how to use these systems just by playing around with them, making the processes that can be set up using these platforms duplicatable and relatively easy to communicate to new team members.

It would be great to hear your experiences with the above challenges and any others you are facing today. What are the biggest challenges right now that you need solutions for?