I don’t know what to post on my Social pages?

3 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Network Marketing Business


Following on from our earlier blogs on social media, we thought we’d follow up with some content ideas, as this seems to be the part that most MLM business owners struggle with!

Creating content is actually very easy. You just have to think, what do I like to see? And if you’re aiming your content towards people like you, this should work perfectly.

Our advice is to try and add some fun to your social media; you should have at least three times as many informative/fun posts as sales related posts. This keeps the viewer entertained while not boring them with daily sales updates.

So number one on our list is facts/stats. This is a great way to have your users engage with your content. Share some fascinating details about the MLM industry or your MLM company that you feel your audience would love! An example of these types of posts could be “did you know there are more than 100 million people around the world running network marketing businesses?”. Just anything related to your audience/industry that might make the viewer go, “hmm interesting”.

Another must-have is trending topics. You must be posting content related to the most recent global trending topics. An example of this could be the recent heat wave in the UK and the trending hashtag, ‘furnacefriday’. A simple post with this hashtag and you automatically go into the list of posts with this viral hashtag associated too. This opens your post/page up to thousands and thousands of potential audience.

Number three on this suggestion list is motivational quotes that are relevant to your industry. You run a MLM business, so there’s no point posting about financial quotes; keep it relevant. However, these posts seem to go down very well, normally generating great engagement. Quotes can become very saturated as most people will have probably seen it before, so try and find a hidden gem, it doesn’t even need to be from an A-list celebrity, if the quotes got value, post it! Consider re-creating the quote in a branded image, so it ties it back to you and your brand.

Number four; feedback/testimonials. Ask a team member or customer to give you some feedback and then post it! It’s a great way to build up trust with your social media following. They’re more likely to purchase from you or consider joining your team if they can see feedback from previous satisfied customers or hear other success stories.

Number five; sales! I know we said earlier not to bombard your audience with sales updates, but if you’re posting about the other four content ideas on a regular basis, it’s okay to slip in the occasional offer/product update. You can even run sales pitches in creative and engaging ways by doing competitions or giveaways. You can drive the traffic to your site where they meet the criteria to enter, and once they’ve done whatever they need too, they’re left on your site to just roam around freely!

Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed these little Social Media post idea’s, it can seem very daunting at times, but remember, consistency is key!