How to prospect your way to becoming an MLM Top Earner

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There’s no doubt that to have a very successful Network Marketing business you must recruit and recruit well! It’s the easiest way to scale your business and start bringing in the profits that you’ve dreamed of. However, what’s the best way to bring in new prospects? Well keep reading, and you’ll find out.

In Network Marketing, there’s no set criteria for who will become an MLM Top Earner; there’s no degree or qualification that gives you a guarantee. Success comes down to the attitude and work ethic of you and your team members. You want team members are coachable and willing to put in the hard work.

So how do you reach these prospects? There are many different ways. One is to start advertising, this can be in newspapers, magazines, social media, Google Ads, etc… But, for us, we recommend that you use social media as its cost-effective, and has a higher global reach. However, a lot of the MLM Top Earners suggest putting classified ad’s in business magazines, as it’s proved successful for them, so perhaps that’s definitely worth trying too.

Another option is to contact everyone you know and talk them through the business model and what they could potentially be doing to bring in a primary/side income. Soon you could be spending even more time with your loved ones as you start building businesses together and supporting each other, but please be wary that mixing family and business can potentially be a recipe for ultimate happiness, just ask many of the successful MLM couples or families.

If you decide to try ads, the best things to include in your ads will be one-liners that draw in potential prospects attention, such as “Become your own boss” or “Travel the world on your terms”. Anything that makes the viewer interested is great because it increases the chances of them reaching out to you. You should also include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in every ad, such as “Call this number to discuss further” or “visit this site for more details”, this gives them clear instructions and makes the next steps a lot clearer.

Another strategy is one we’ve covered in previous blog posts, which is to create social media accounts, and a blog, and start posting content about what you do and how you can help people. Eventually, people will begin to notice and reach out to you. This is a great way to get organic leads that aren’t costing you money like ads will. Therefore, this is a strategy that everybody should be employing.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, If you have any comments/feedback, please leave them in the comments section below.