When it comes to prospecting, there are things best to say and things avoid. In this article, we’re focusing on the things you need to cover if you want your prospecting messages to get results.
A variety of approaches work, though these depend on the type of person you are prospecting and what they will engage with. You know your prospects best, so you can decide what works best for them, but here are some of the proven approaches.
The direct approach is to ask your prospect directly if they would like to take a look at the opportunity, for whatever reason you think could be of interest to them – increased income, the opportunity to travel, having more time with the family, and so on…
Here are some of the direct questions MLM pro’s use in their prospecting messages:
“I’m not sure whether this will be for you or not, but would you be open to exploring additional income opportunities?”
“Have you ever considered a part-time income to supplement your job?”
“Would you consider a second income stream, if I was to share an opportunity with you?”
“Would you be interested in finding out how you could start a part-time, home-based business and work toward replacing your full-time income?”
“I recently started a new business that’s currently expanding in your area. Would you be interested in taking a look at the opportunity if I was to share it with you?”
The indirect approach is to ask your prospect whether they know someone who might be interested in extra income, an improved work/life balance, more family time, etc, with a view to them then suggesting themselves. The indirect approach can be a very effective method, as they won’t feel like they are being sold to as you’re not directly approaching them. Instead, they may see the opportunity for themselves and put their name in the hat for consideration.
Some example of prospect messages for an indirect approach are:
“I’m sure you’re happy with your current job but do you know anyone that might be interested in earning an extra income, working flexibility around their current commitments?”
“I know you enjoy your work but do you know anyone that might be interested in a new career, something with flexibility so they can work around their lives?”
“I’m sure you’re happy with your career but do you know anyone who would benefit from being their own boss and running their own business?”
“I know you’re happy with your current job but do you know anyone who’s looking for a new money-making opportunity?”
Using the questions above will hopefully help you master prospecting in your MLM business. Remember, don’t be afraid to test different messages to see what works best with your prospects.
Good luck with your prospecting! Feel free to share your feedback with us below.