The Only Tips You Need to Build Your Network Marketing Team The Right Way

Network Marketing Tips

If you have ever spent time in network marketing, you may have run into difficulty while building and managing your network. Many a time your network is in a shambles. One thing leads to another, and you find yourself teetering between fixing the team and scrapping it altogether. Sometimes it’s remarkably hard to run a business and overcome the challenges involved. With some detailed research into the workings of network marketing, you will learn better means of scaling your business. In network marketing, it’s worth noting that it is one thing to build a network, but a whole different ballgame to nurture, manage and grow your network marketing team. In this blog, you will find some essential tips to grow your network.  

Let your leadership govern the pace of the team  

As a leader, you should always be in control of your team, be it identifying the right opportunities

or calling shots. Usually, a team has a way of coming into its own when the leader is proactive and take actions on their own. The success rate of most network marketing teams rightly demonstrates that they grow exponentially when their leaders drive marketing activities from the front. How well structured is your recruiting process? Irrespective of the size of your team or nature of the business, you must raise the speed of recruitment process. Try to introduce your product/services to two or three people on a daily basis. Now if you really want to grow your team, you should step up the game and invite 10-20 people to join your business. When you lead the way, things will start reflecting positively on your team. So, improving the recruitment process will contribute to the growth of your networking team.   

Respecting dreams and aspiration of your team members 

So, you have worked on the recruitment pace which has led to growth in the number of people joining your business. With an ever-expanding network identifying the true leaders becomes all the more difficult. So how do you find leaders in whose hands you can entrust the marketing responsibilities? Well, you can always start by asking yourself this simple question:

How motivated are your team members? Arguably the best way to know if a person is cut out for your team is by learning about their sense of direction in life. Are they sufficiently motivated to go all the way and achieve their dreams? 

“Discover people with drive and potential to become future leaders”

Of course, getting millions to promote your products and services will always give you the bragging rights, but if you want to build a motivated team, you should recruit people with a real drive to succeed in life. 

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Spending more productive time with your team 

In their desperation to get the network marketing team up and running, most marketers forget to spend time with the team. When you are starting to build your network marketing team, it is absolutely vital that you spend lots of productive time with your team. Whether you are making business presentations or home meetings, you should continue to share knowledge within your team and inspire each other. After all, your network marketing is only as good as your weakest link. Therefore, you should make a point of understanding the challenges of team members and filling up the information gaps that may arise in the course of building the team. Any decisions, albeit small, taken during the collaboration with the team will certainly strengthen your network marketing initiatives in the long run.  

Don’t let talented members slip through your fingers

Every new member that signs up for your network marketing is a new opportunity to build your network. You are essentially looking at a person capable of taking your business to new heights. You should use the first meeting to not only introduce your products but learn about their potential to take the business forward. You should give them a clear-cut picture of your network model. The last thing you want to do is lose out on the chance of identifying future leaders for your network marketing. It’s the duty of true leaders to be far-sighted and take measures that could contribute to the growth of the network. 

Is too much training bad for your team?

It’s important not to be bogged down by the training sessions you provide for your team. Mind you, despite all the evidence to the contrary, most network marketers continue to fall into the trap of spending their time on training when they could invest it elsewhere to grow the business. Marketers still labour under the delusion that spending longer training sessions on their teams would, in turn, help them multiply income. Depending on the nature of network marketing strategy, it’s advisable that you cut down on the time you spend training your team. Limit your training time to a weekly home meeting, call conference or live event. Also, remember, there’s only so much training can do to your team. After all, it’s not the training that grows your network marketing, rather it’s the act of inviting people to your business that makes all the difference.  

Build a strong sense of unity within your team  

It’s easy to get disheartened by the slow growth of your marketing team. The team is certainly making progress but you still want to see it grow faster. The first step to making your team grow rapidly is to create a unified network that promotes each other. The leadership should create an environment conducive for healthy collaboration between members from all walks of life. Even small gestures like arranging a meeting with leaders can go a long way in making all leaders feel part of the network family. When the leaders of your team are bound by shared passions and goals, it will leave positive effects on your network marketing team. At the end of the day, it’s always the small steps taken in the right direction that makes all the difference.  


Learn from real-life Networking Marketing experts 

In over a decade, Masa and Miguel have collaborated with various network marketing companies. Drawing on their vision and determination, the couple has scaled their business to a whopping seven figures. Noticeably before making forays into network marketing in 2005, Marsha worked as a medical researcher and Miguel a trained commercial who felt there was something missing in his professional life and aspired to pursue something more meaningful. The couple attributes their discovery of network marketing to a chance meeting with a 17-year-old girl. Today the couple resides in Australia and travel all over the world mentoring leaders, building networks and supporting businesses.